Welcome to the Practice exam STAR Program

The practice test is modeled after the BRPT exam, takes into account the latest version of the AASM manual version 3.0, the International Classification of Sleep Disorders version 3, and the AAST Technical Guidelines.

With the STAR Practice Test Study Guide, students will be able to better self-assess their preparation in each of the CPSGT / RPSGT test domains, allowing them to focus their study on areas where they may not have been done as well as expected.

CPSGT Mock exam

CPSGT Mock exam

Global Sleep Education is committed to helping you succeed in your exam. We have assembled the materials listed below to assist you in preparing for your exam in terms of the types of questions you will see on your test, as well as the skills you’ll need to know to pass.

Preparing for test day is the best way to ensure your success!

RPSGT Mock  exam

RPSGT Mock exam

The RPSGT mock exam will prepare you for your exam in terms of the types of questions you will see on your test, as well as the skills you will need to know to pass. The RPSGT exam consists of 100 multiple-choice items

Preparing for test day is the best way to ensure your success!